I think all of us did at some point. But my husband said, ‘What will become of this country if we all leave?’
Albania was the last country in Eastern Europe where communism fell, and when it finally did, we were all so thrilled. A cloud had lifted and we thought that now we’d be like the rest of the world. During the years of communism, if you practised religion you could get imprisoned, deported, and in some extreme cases, even executed. When the country opened up in 1990, there was such a thirst for the Word of God.
Mission Without Borders wanted to publish Bible verses and Christian writing in a local paper. They were looking for someone to translate it and I agreed. It is amazing how God has a plan for you before you know it!
Quite frankly, we didn’t know what we were supposed to do and whether it would last. I literally grew alongside the ministry – I have been part of it ever since. It’s not about numbers and how many people we were able to help, but it’s about real people who each have their own story.
I don’t regret staying in the country. It has everything to do with the Mission. When you see the fruits of the ministry, you feel part of something good.
Monika, the manager of Mission Without Borders Albania since 1992
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