You put up with the situation, bow your head and decide what is more important – your dignity or your survival. Life on the street in winter is terrible. One year it was snowing and the temperatures were below zero, and I only had summer clothes to wear. My feet went black – a sure sign they were frostbitten – and one of my big toes had to be amputated. One time, I had nothing to eat for seven days and finally I fainted. Some good people found me and bought me a piece of pizza and I managed to stand on my feet again.
There is no easy day on the street, every day is hard – you will either be beaten or robbed. Every day, your life is at risk.
About five years ago, I met some other homeless people and asked them how they survived. They told me about the people from Mission Without Borders. For all these years, their Street Mercy programme has helped me a lot – here, I receive not only food but warm clothes and shoes and life-saving medicine.
These people are my family – here are people who really love me, who give me their friendship and who show me concern, compassion and sympathy. I haven’t found this kind of acceptance anywhere else.
To survive on the street, you have to bend your head to search through bins – but at the same time, look upwards to God, from whom all our help comes.
Metodi, who is helped through our Street Mercy programme in Bulgaria and for whom we are seeking a secure home
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